McKnights Free Online Expo March 24-25

Readers who work in long-term care might be interested in the free educational expo by McKnights Long-Term Care News. The topics include:

Getting from satisfied to very satisfied residents

Becoming a provider of excellence in wound care

The prognosis for lending

Are you ready for changes in the MDS and RUGs?

Integrating technology to improve resident safety

McKnights told me:
This is our 4th Annual Online Expo. (Each year it gets better, and last year’s was a huge critical success…with over 2,000 attendees). This year the Expo is happening on March 24th and 25th. Two days of webcasts, networking, and education – All without leaving your desk. Plus, by attending our 5 webcasts, you can earn up to 5 free Continuing Education Units. Attending the Expo is easy! Simply register @

4 thoughts on “McKnights Free Online Expo March 24-25”

  1. Dr. El,

    It sounds good, I will forward the information to my Administrator.

    Thank you for passing on the information.

  2. Sue, I'm particularly interested in the session on getting from satisfied to very satisfied residents. I don't know if meeting mental health needs will be mentioned, but I think that's a critical part of the process.


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