Free Gift! Holiday Savings! New LTC resources from some of the best

The Savvy Resident’s Guide can help set reasonable expectations for your new residents and families, leading them to view their stays in a more favorable light. To see how, download a FREE Kindle version between December 7-9th and take advantage of Holidays Savings of 20% off bulk orders of 25 or more copies through Friday, December 23rd. Use the code MCKNIGHTS at checkout.

It’s like giving people 24/7 access to an experienced nursing home shrink who tells it like it is with gentle humor and answers every question before it’s asked. Put a copy in every rehab room and watch your customer satisfaction reviews improve!

For more great resources, read my latest article on McKnight’s Long-Term Care News:


New LTC resources from some of the best

Over the past year, I’ve been involved with several exciting long-term care-related projects that I can now tell you about. In the spirit of the season, I wanted to spread some good cheer with them*, and also offer a gift.

The first is a book entitled “Bullying Among Older Adults: How to Recognize and Address an Unseen Epidemic” by Robin P. Bonifas, to which I had the honor of contributing a chapter. This volume addresses the effects of bullying among seniors and outlines actions which facilities and communities can take to address the problem. It provides step-by-step assessment strategies and anti-bullying interventions that will increase staff awareness and improve day-to-day interactions.

In another publication, fellow geropsychologists Kelly O’Shea Carney and Margaret P. Norris have put their years of experience to paper in “Transforming Long-Term Care: Expanded Roles for Mental Health Professionals.” As I state in my review of their work, “The book will … appeal to long-term care policy strategists and facility managers looking for ways to reduce costs while improving care quality and staff turnover.” The book digs deeper into the Eldercare Method (which I earlier discussed here) and outlines ways in which long-term care can make better use of its consulting psychologists.


And finally, I’d like to offer the opportunity to download — through this Friday — a free Kindle version of my book, “The Savvy Resident’s Guide: Everything You Wanted to Know About Your Nursing Home Stay But Were Afraid to Ask.” This large-print guidebook provides essential facility-friendly information in an entertaining format for residents and family members regarding how to make the most of their time in a nursing home. (If you like it as much as I think you will, order here by Dec. 23 for a 20% discount for purchases of 25 or more. Use the code MCKNIGHTS upon checkout.)

*Full disclosure: I do not benefit financially from mentioning the resources of my colleagues or from any purchases of their products.

For the entire article, visit:

New LTC resources from some of the best

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