5 Secrets Your Line Staff Doesn’t Want You To Know (in Long-Term Living Magazine Online)

Check out my latest article, featured in Long-Term Living Magazine Online:

Click-clack. Click-clack. The administrator’s shoes made a sound distinctly different than the rubber-soled heels of the nursing staff, alerting everyone to a foreign presence. Forced smiles and stiff greetings ensued. As the elevator doors closed, and the administrator disappeared behind them, the line staff heaved a collective sigh of relief and got back to business as usual.

Do you ever wonder what goes on after you leave the floor? Do you wish you could be a fly on the wall, observing without changing the behavior of the people you’re watching? Wonder no more, as this nursing home psychologist reveals the secrets they don’t want you to know (but you should!), and offers suggestions to help.

For more, visit LTL mag here:  5 Secrets Your Line Staff Doesn’t Want You To Know

2 thoughts on “5 Secrets Your Line Staff Doesn’t Want You To Know (in Long-Term Living Magazine Online)”

  1. Dr. El,

    In my 27 years of working in a nursing home not one charge nurse stands out as being a particularly good manager. Of course, some are much better than others, but I’ve always wondered (doubted) whether they have had any formal training.

  2. Sue, I can think of ONE outstanding charge nursing in fifteen plus years. Many are good, but with proper training could undoubtedly be outstanding.


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